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Participation in the 2023 Christmas contest

Gift 1

Canon EOS Rebel T7

Product description :
Ideal for mobile device users wanting to take the next step with their photography, the EOS Rebel T7 camera combines fantastic features with easy-to-use operation for high-quality images you’ll be proud to share. Harness the power of the EOS Rebel T7’s large 24.1 Megapixel CMOS sensor to realize your potential for great shots.

A value of :


Gift 2

Kobo Libra 2 eReader

Product description :
The next-generation Kobo Libra 2 is the embodiment of your reading style. With more storage, a faster E Ink screen, and Bluetooth® wireless technology so you can listen to Kobo Audiobooks*, Kobo Libra 2 is an integral part of your rich reading life. Packed with features and personality—and 32GB of storage for all of your eBooks—Kobo Libra 2 was made to do more.

A value of :


Gift 3

Gourmet gift basket

Product description :
Privately imported Abruzzo wine (white or red), San Pellegrino cocktail, Taggiasche olives, grilled artichokes, prosecco capers, grissini and SanCarlo chips.

A value of :


Participation form

Please fill in the form below to be eligible for the draw. The draw will take place on December 22, 2023 at noon (12:00 p.m.), and you can return to this page to view the winners. Representatives will contact winners afterwards.

List of 2023 winners

Winner gift 1

Nom du gagnant

Drawing December 22 at noon


Winner gift 2

Nom du gagnant

Drawing December 22 at noon


Winner gift 3

Nom du gagnant

Drawing December 22 at noon


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Vincent Tremblay

Vice-Président exploitation et service à la clientèle

400 – 275, rue Du Parvis, Québec (Québec) G1K 6G7

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400-275 rue du Parvis, Québec (Qc) G1K 6G7

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2022 – RÉFÉRENCE SYSTÈMES Inc. – Services informatiques aux entreprises, aux organismes à but non lucratif et aux institutions publiques